Speak Like Magic

At some point in your life, you’ll be asked to make a speech.

But the problem is you’re skeptical about your own ability to deliver. It’s way outside your comfort zone. You’re not exactly sure how to prepare a speech. And it feels like only some people are given the gift of public speaking, and you’re not one of them.

But the problem is you’re skeptical about your own ability to deliver. It’s too nerve-wracking. You’re not exactly sure how to prepare a speech. And it feels like only some people are given the gift of public speaking, and you’re not one of them.

But I believe ANYONE can become a better public speaker, no matter who they are.

**I understand feeling uncomfortable about giving a talk.**
Don’t worry. I’ve done over 1,000 presentations in a span of nine years.

You may think it’s natural talent.
But I believe it’s because I’ve done it a thousand times.

  • “I wish I had this book 40 years ago!”

    Jay Mincks, Executive Vice President, Insperity

This is what I learned in my 9 years of my speaking:

Step 1: Get Fearless. Take a deep breath, and say, “it’s not about me, it’s about my audience.” People get scared about public speaking because they’re too self-conscious about messing up. The truth is you can do it.

Step 2: Get Focused. Read my book, Speak Like Magic. You’ll learn six easy-to-do steps for designing and delivering powerful presentations.

Step 3: Be Fantastic. When you follow the steps in the book, you’ll create a high-impact presentation to connect with your audience and feel more comfortable.

Stop overthinking it.

You’ll go from a nervous speaker to a confident communicator. People will remember you because you made it about them.

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Speak Like Magic is All About!

Speak Like Magic is Available Here


Speak Like Magic is designed to help ordinary people become extraordinary speakers no matter who they are or what they do.